Here is my little part: http://www.4shared.com/dir/8348432/5b780256/sharing.html
The Holly Jolly Blog Train is quite large and well worth the effort of collecting it. You will enjoy the ride! Be sure and let the designers know how much you appreciate their time, money and effort by leaving at least a "little Thank You". As you know as a crafter, you never make any money off crafts it is a "Gift of Love".
I am wishing each of you a very Merry Christmas" and may God continue to bless you and yours.
Carla Jo
Stop 01 - BeaconScrap
Stop 02 - Carolyn Ritter
Stop 03 - Karrie Thomas of Kez Creates Designs
Stop 04 - Crafted by Gina
Stop 05 - DesignsByAmilyn
Stop 06 - Michelle Angeles
Stop 07 - Throwing Some Scraps Around
Stop 08 - Country Hollow Scraps
Stop 09 - ScrapinDaisy from Designs by Ruth
Stop 10 - Bits O’Scrap
Stop 11 - Wimpychompers Creations
Stop 12 - QueenBrat Designs
Stop 13 - Mumure
Stop 14 - Frosted Illusions
Stop 15 - Aussie Scraps
Stop 16 - HutchsBaby Faith in Christ Scraps
Stop 17 - MoveFearlessly Designs
Stop 18 - swordascrappin
Stop 19 - Kismet
Stop 20 - Missladyhawke
Stop 21 - The Queen and The Princess Designs
Stop 22 - Vanjo Designs
Stop 23 - Angi’s Place
Stop 24 - SotoCreations
Stop 25 - The Mathematician’s Assistant
Stop 26 - Crops2Dawn Creations
Stop 27 - S.G.Rowe Designs
Stop 28 - Amy’s Scraps
Stop 29 - jaydensmama
Stop 30 - Crystal’s Creations By Design
Stop 31 - Digital Creations by Amber
Stop 32 - Kitten Scraps
Stop 33 - Grandma Pat
Stop 34 - Grunge and Glitter Scraps
Stop 35 - JIC Creations
Stop 36 - Butterfly Kisses
Stop 37 - Babyyaks
Stop 38 - Simply Beautiful Creations
Stop 39 - Pretty Scrappy
Stop 40 - TammyJo’s Creations
Stop 41 - CMB Designs
Stop 42 - Christy Skaggs
Stop 43 - SnapScrapCreate
Stop 44 - Believe Designs
Stop 45 - Linda’s Dream Designs
Stop 46 - MIP Scraps
Stop 47 - Miss Erin’s Scraps
Stop 49 - Digital Keepsakes
Stop 50 - Blind Sight Designs
Stop 51 - Dreamland Designs
Stop 52 - Hummie’s World
Stop 53 - Northern Lights Designs ***You are here***
Stop 54 - DesignZ by DeDe
Stop 55 - twisted angel
Stop 56 - Desert Bloom Designs
Stop 57 - Rachelz_Expressionz
Stop 58 - Creations By Jessa
Stop 59 - Bits’N'Bobs
Stop 60 - Amanda’s Scrappy Creations
Stop 61 - Heartfelt Perfections
Stop 62 - Candie
Stop 63 - Just For You DigiScraps
Stop 64 - Cuddlebeez Scraps
Stop 65 - Prairie Sage
Stop 66 - Creekside Cottage Designs
Stop 67 - PinkuPixie Digital Designs
Stop 68 - Mariscrap
Stop 69 - Marbled Circle
Stop 70 - Panda Bear Designs
Stop 71 - Kolor’Scapez!
Stop 72 - Stellarfairie designs
Stop 73 - http://www.disasterindesigns.com/
Stop 74 - Danielle [DMK Designs]
Stop 75 - Katlen Kreations
Stop 76 - Babydoll’s Scrapz
Stop 77 - Angel Flower
Stop 78 - Designs by Teri
Stop 79 - SandEz Creationz
Stop 80 - Sistermoon Scraps
Hi there
You needed help with something?
You can email me at
imsoto2 at gmail.com :)
Thank you for your sweet comments :)
Thanks, these are really cute and they are the first stop on my train ride. Had a problem with the zip file though. Could not get ThankYouNote2 as there was some type of compression error on it. Can you reload, please?
Thank you so much, love the cards, Merry Christmas to you and yours!
HI there
You left a message that you had trouble with extracting one of my downloads. I had someone else download and test, and they dont have any trouble. Try deleting the file completely from your system and then download again.
To answer yourt question.... Sure you can make an LO and put on your blog using my stuff. As long as you give credit I am ok with it :)
Cute note share Thank you for nice comment on my blog Hugz
My download part is in one download the link is there hun. right here hun,where it says Please leave some love when downloading it. You can get this kit here. I really like your stuff too hun. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for your comment!
I didn't think I could do scrapbooking either but I am surprising myself...lol There is a link for an awesome digital scrapbook class on my site if you are interested.
Smiles, Teri~
Hi...I saw your message on my blog so went to Outlaws site and saw the following note....
(You can not get onto the blog still using Internet Explorer. I have worked and worked on it and have no idea why it is not opening up. I can get into the admin section but not the blog…. Please use either Firefox, Google Chrome, or any other browser…
I myself do not use Internet Explorer, I think it sucks!! It is slow, crashes all the time and is just not efficient enough!! I know it’s the most popular but take a change and download either Google Chrome which is my browser of choice or Mozilla Firefox. Mozilla Firefox comes with alot of plugins and gadgets to play with and use. It is a pretty fast browser, I have found Google Chrome the best, it is extremely fast even for people on dial up. It does not have all the bells and whistle like firefox but does have one feature I love. If you go to a site often it will put an icon/picture of the site on your opening page which you just click on and voila you their!! in an instant!! When it first came about it used to crash alot now I have not crashed once with it, I usually have at least 10-15 pages open at once, besides my editing programs like photoshop and psp. This is an unusual large load on any computer but I have no problems getting from place to place and not eating up too much memory..
Give it a shot, its free and an easy download. Google it or Mozilla Firefox and you will be pleasantly surprised!
Hugs All,
As of yet I can't see her portion of the Blog Train on there..Her email addy is..outlawcat@live.com
Hope this is some help for you, Thanks for dropping by my blog..:)
HUgs - Linda
Congrats... you've won the blinkie contest. Read about your prize here http://stampinprojects.blogspot.com/2009/02/drumroll-please.html
Hi Thanks for dropping by my Blog today and leaving me comments :) my QP one is still there..Try this link
if it doesn't work get back to me and I will email it to you :)
I will be away tomorrow for the weekend, back Sunday night :)
Cheers - Linda
Hi! You mentioned only getting a jpeg image for one of my QP's at Al's Archives. My download links are directly under the QP preview and look like - 8.5x11 or 12x12. I will make my links clearer from now on. Let me know if this works for you email is alisonktann at gmail.com Glad you like it too!
I tried to email you, but couldn't find a way to contact you on your blog. Regarding the STS Blog Train, we were only supposed to have it up until Sunday I chose to keep it up an extra two days. You should email me at emarinascraps[at]gmail[dot]com Thanks! ;)
You asked about my granite layer style....as is indicated in the post, all give alway all of my stuff for free for a VERY limited time, but then ALL of it is in the Subscriber Area permanently. I cannot leave it up too long or no one would subscribe, especially if I leave it up too long and it takes a toll on my band width.
Thanks for your interest and kind words.
Carla Jo,
Sorry I also couldn't find an email. When I first started I had my blog url as northernlightsdesigns, which is what yours is. I have been with blogger since March 2008 but I closed it because I couldn't maintain it and then when I came back it said I could no longer use that name (because at the time it was still active in my blog list but I didn't see that...duh me), so I simply left the s off of the end of designs and registered a new blog. I was unaware that there was another designer using this name. Sorry it took so long to get back to you there have been non-digital related things happening in my life.
Thanks so much for your kind words on my blog and for your purchase at my store!! I had fun making the quick pages and I'm so glad you can use them. If you use them, I'd love to see your layouts so be sure to email me! :)
Thanks so much,
:) Mags
magsgraphics.blogspot.com &
I am also curious what you make with my blue frames
I hope you want to email me that
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